Sunday, November 4, 2007

Oriental Dance

Belly dance or in other words Oriental Dance is a great dance. It originates from The middle east and other arabic regions. It became more popular in the 1890's. Belly dance is not only about the belly but its about full body movement from head to toe. Belly dance improves self esteem and body image. It's also another way of working out your whole body in a fun way. It helps increase flexibilty and strength of muscles. Belly dance is not actually physical excercise, but it is a beautiful art. Its an activity that allows you to dress beautifully like in a beautiful belly dance costume. The costume is usually a long skirt a short blouse or bra leaving the belly area exposed and a scarf over the head and sometimes a lot of jewlery. Many Ignorant people compare belly dancing for exotic dance and have their bad comments about it. Belly dance is a great art, its a great activity to learn. Usuallybelly dance involves rythmic dance with moving a lot of body parts. It is performed to rythmic music. Its a beautiful art and there is so much to it than just moving your hips.

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